Something else that she didn't know was that I also wrote on her car windows!
Papaw was doing okay today. He still a bit confused, but was a little stronger this morning when he woke up. He slept pretty good last night, only waking up once. Please keep him in your prayers.
Not much going on today... This weekend was pretty eventful though. Mom & I went to Jackson to see Becky and their new baby. Precious!!! We got back around 4:30 and I had to hurry home to get ready for a Sunday School party. It was supposed to be a pool party, but thanks to the tropical storm, it rained all weekend and is still raining. It was moved to the church. We had a good time. There were lots of kids there. A few of us played Cranium. Wade & Crystal won.
On Sunday, we went to Quitman. Wes' parents have been awarded a Congressional Angels of Adoption Award. There will be an awards banquet in Washington DC next month. On Sunday, Marriane Todd, a freelance Photographer came to their house to take pictures for the awards ceremony and media releases. Afterwards, we went to church with them and then ate lunch. We spent all day there and then went to visit his Grandmother for a few hours. Again, it rained all day. The pictures started out inside, but we were lucky to get about 20 minutes of no rain and took some outside.
This morning I picked about 10 bags of pears. I broke the limb shakin' stick too. The hook came out of the end of it. I got rid of 10 bags today too! There were two ladies at work that wanted some to make preserves. They will definitely be busy this next week.
Becky is in overdue. Her due date is this weekend and as far as I know, she still hasn't had the baby yet... We'll see. I keep checking the Hydrick's blog for updates....
It's pear time! Anybody want some?? My neighbor has offered to take the rotten ones for deer feed. He's also going to take some ripe ones for his family. There's one lady at work that wants some and a few others that have offered to take a few at a time. So far, I've picked about 8 walmart bags full and that's only from 1 tree. Both trees are still overloaded. I will be happy to bring them to anyone who wants them... In other words: FREE DELIVERY!!
This week at work I started a new project. When a new commercial is to air, the company or ad agency has to send the spot to us. Most come on a satellite receiver and are put right into the server. Others come on tapes mailed to the station. Most local commercials that are not produced by the station's production department are sent on tape along with some national commercials that don't want to pay the fees associated with the satellite feeds. Others mail them because some small stations don't have access to the satellite receivers either. Either way, we accumulate a ton of tapes over the years. We have to keep them and we eventually reuse them. So my project this week is to re-organize them and throw out tapes that are older than dirt. (There are many 1 in. film reels still back there!) It's dusty, dark and smelly back there. On Friday, I stayed till around 1 am. I got to the G's. Not that anyone really cares about a dusty room full of old tapes. I just thought I'd mention it. I'm trying to re-organize the place so that I can function there. It's a slight OCD thing I have. It's really hard to go into someone else's organization system and adapt to it. I like to create my own system. Honestly, there was no organization back there at all. It was total chaos..... I'm trying to fix that..... We'll see......
"Describe the most meaningful and/or important gift you've ever received. What does it reveal about your relationship to the giver?"
There are several of those. Several years ago for my birthday, my parents drove up to Birmingham to surprise me with a beautiful cedar chest that my Dad had been working on for months. The wood came from a tree that had been in Papaw's yard for years. A tree that Pete & I and our cousins used to climb when we were kids. It was cut down a long time ago and Dad got the wood from it. I had been telling him for years that I wanted a cedar chest. I don't know, he may have been planning on building it long before I thought of it. The day of my birthday, I was nearly ready for work when I texted Mom to tell her I was awake. Funny, I was a little upset because they hadn't called yet. (Of course, Wes knew all about the surprise). Mom called me back and skirted around the issue until I finally figured out that they were on their way. What I didn't know is that they were bringing the cedar chest with them. I was completely surprised. Mom & Dad both wrote a note and had it inside. They both made me cry. I now have the cedar chest in my living room which is where it will always stay, prominently displayed for everyone who comes by to see. I have a lot of memories inside it, from our wedding & honeymoon pictures, cards, scrapbooks, some things that belonged to Mamaw, and many, many other memories. Of course, I'll never part with it. It'll be passed down through the generations.
Lazy and Phoebe are gifts that have meant the world to me over the years. When I was in Junior High, my dad came home one day and told me to go outside and look in his truck. I didn't know what this meant or why and I was a little scared. I walked out in the dark and looked in the passengers side window and found a pair of gold eyes staring back at me. At first I was startled. I quickly realized that looking back at me was a cat. I had had a cat before. Her name was Ms. Kitty (I know, I was 9). She had gotten run over. The cat in the truck would turn out to be Lazy, my first "child". She slept with me nearly every night for the next ten years. She was the perfect pet. She kept me sane during the grueling adolescent and High School years. When I left home, I left without her. Mom & Dad took care of her. I wanted to take her with me, but she loved to go outside and would have been miserable stuck inside an apartment and I wouldn't want her to be in that environment. She spent her days chasing birds, eating them and terrorizing the dog, chickens, etc. One day Dad had killed a chicken and Lazy snuck up behind us while he was preparing to clean it and attempted to drag it off. That chicken was bigger than she was and she was dragging it away. I don't know how old she was when she died, but I had had her for about 14 years. She died two years ago.
Phoebe was a pleasant surprise. Wes gave her to me for Christmas in 2006. We were living in Birmingham. I was in Charleston for my job interview and Wes picked me up from the airport. When we got home, he wouldn't let me go inside the apartment because he had to "hide" my Christmas present that he bought while I was gone. I had to wait on the stairs. I was tired and irritable because one of my flights was delayed. When he finally told me I could come in, he was standing there with this little ball of fur in his arms. My heart sank! I was in tears within seconds. She was so sweet and innocent. She took to me quickly and is now our "second" child. Although she looks similar to Lazy, she has a completely different personality. Phebs is very playful. She has her toys that she loves to play with, but her favorite is what we call "Yellow thing." (It's a yellow feather on a stick) We regularly get it out and play with her. She loves to chase it around in circles until she's panting and her little heart is racing. It's good exercise I guess. She knows where we keep it and she will stand at the closet door and cry until we get it out. (SPOILED!!) She also fetches. We have several little foam balls laying all over the house. She'll occasionally bring one to us and we'll throw it down the hall a few times for her. She will follow us around in the mornings to remind us to open the window shades so she can watch the birds.
I know I've received countles gifts that are priceless to me. Memories are priceless. I wouldn't be able to write about all of them because I receive gifts every day. There's nothing like being able to step outside in the sunshine and take a deep breath. Waking up next to the best husband in the world. The love of family surrounding you. These are all priceless gifts from God.
My other favorite "Mother Nature" place is on the river. You can't beat floating down the Chunky and listening to the birds chirping all around you. The last time we went down, Dad & I floated for a while and let the current take us. It was the most relaxing, calming time I've had in a long time! There's nothing better. The scenery changes every time we go down the river. Sometimes we'll see birds, deer, turtles, snakes... Sometimes the water is real low and you can see the bottom, sometimes you'll have to pick your boat up and walk a while. Sometimes the waters high and the current is swifter. Either way, it's amazing. As a matter of fact, we're going down the river on Sunday after church. It'll be the first time we've been since we moved back. I can't wait!!
Virginia, Papaw, Uncle Chris, Grandmother, & Aunt Jon
Becky, Aunt Patsy & Grandmother (Wes' Grandmother)
Dad with the manual Ice Cream maker. Janna & Drew & Gage were helping.