It snowed everywhere else. (I take this as a sign!!) Here are some pics of my parents house from this morning!! They got about 4 inches!!! I'm SOOO jealous!! I want to go home so bad now!! It's beautiful!!!!
Dad & Luann
This just makes me want to move back home even more! Even if snow is rare. There hasn't been snow like this since the "blizzard" of '93... I remember that day. It was March and it was the Friday we got out of school for Spring Break. My friend Amber stayed with me that night. Pete, Amber and I were having a blast in the snow. It was SOOOO cold! We slid down the hill in the front yard and made a snowman. I think we got about 6 or 7 inches then.
So I had to work this morning. It was an easy day, but it was a waste of time. The show started at 7am (1 hour + cut-ins til 10). Nothing but live shots and "where to vote" graphics. It was ridiculously unnecessary. In the last cut-in, one of our live reporters said that she's kept a rough count of voters and she counted 117. Very compelling! Hey, at least I got free Chick-fil-a and four hours OT!
Yesterday, I SAW CLOVERFIELD!!!!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! I went with some friends from work. If you like LOST, You'll LOVE CLOVERFIELD!!! It keeps you on the edge of your seat!! It's shot really well. I highly recommend it!! After the movie, we had a big discussion on why it's called Cloverfield. There's no mention of the name that I noticed anywhere. Wes & I are going to see it again on Wednesday. Maybe I'll pick it out then. With most of JJ Abrams' work, you really have to watch it several times to understand everything and pick out the small hidden details to "get" the story. There's hundreds of hidden numbers, props, and other clues that tie things together. Hopefully I can figure out some unanswered questions on Wednesday. It's like a puzzle... It's so much Fun to me!!!!
Afterward, when I got home, Oscar was dead! He was one of our fish. He was supposed to grow to about a foot long. He was really growing fast. He was about 4 or 5 inches long. He had been a bit dormant lately, but that's not unusual. His color was fine and he was eating. I don't know what happened to him. We were looking forward to having a big fish in our tank for once. So, today after Wes & I went to vote, we went to the fish store we like and got another one. A Big one! He's about a foot long and should grow a little more. Our tank is a 75 gallon. It's only big enough for one oscar. We also have a Pleco (algae eater sucker fish) who's about 10 inches long in there too. Here's a few pics:
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