Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hyundai Half...

Registered for the Hyundai Half marathon on October 3rd in Montgomery. I was originally planning to run the Half in Jackson (Marathon Makeover) but it falls on an 18 mile long run day. Montgomery is a 14 mile long run day. I can sacrifice one mile... Got a great deal on a hotel right downtown (the race starts right in front of the hotel). Can't wait! I know I can do this one because I've already ran 12. I'm doing 13 on Saturday with John. (If you see us on Hwy 39, honk...) Still working my way up, adding miles every week. My left calf muscle is sore this week because I limped trying to avoid bothering the big blister on my right foot. It's better now. Ran 6 today (My sensor is wrong. I plan on recalibrating it tomorrow.)

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