Saturday, October 27, 2007


The fair is in town. My station is all over it, like it's the latest breaking news. I don't understand it. We're sponsors, but I don't understand all this hype. In Mississippi, the fair is just, well, the fair. There's nothing special about it. Kind of dirty and a bit unsafe if you ask me. Mostly a high school hangout too. Here, we have a "Live 5 House" there, like is was the Neshoba County fair or something. We're going live in nearly every newscast. It's apparently the event of the year.

Well, Wes & I went last night. We had free tickets and a parking pass. Little good it did though. It was a nightmare! We live 13 miles(I looked it up) from the fairgrounds and we sat in the car for 2 HOURS!!! Okay, I understand that it was Saturday and the last two days its been raining. But it was a completely ridiculous & unnecessary situation! We had a parking pass for the media lot. But we were shuffled into the back of the park and when we tried to ask where the lot was, no one spoke English. They kept saying "Straight." We had to crawl past every parking lot all the way around the place until we got to the very last lot and we finally made our own parking space. In these lots we passed, there were hundreds of empty spaces. There were high school kids as parking attendants just standing around. It was completely unorganized. We literally sat in the car for an hour circulating the place waiting to park. This is a very LARGE place. There is more land for parking than there is fairgrounds. I was so frustrated. We left the house at 7:15 and didn't get inside the fairgrounds until 9:30! And the place closed at 11pm. We didn't ride anything! It was worthless! There were rude people everywhere and the lines to the rides where very long. I never thought of myself as an anti-social person, but last night, I was. Bottom line, it was truly awful.

Since we can get in for free (Press ID's can be useful), we've decided to give it another try on a less crowded day. We've decided to go back on Wednesday afternoon (Halloween), although it depends on when Pete & Kelly get here. We are hoping that the high school crowd will NOT be there and the lines will be shorter and we can get to the media lot on our own.

I don't do thrill rides, but Wes loves it. I have panic attacks. The last time Wes & I went to Visionland (in Birmingham), I sat down on a ride(a medium sized thrill ride), I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. I immediately got up because I couldn't breathe. I even felt this way when Wes was on a roller coaster. When I was watching him, I started crying. It was awful. When I was a kid, I could easily get on the slower ones. Now, I can only do the carousel.... I'm a wuss.

PS: It's finally COLD!!! It's about time!!!!! :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Learn Something New Everyday.....

You know how everyone has their favorite movie or TV show, one that you can watch over and over and never get tired of it. (For my mom, it's Star Trek) Since my surgery, I've been watching Alias over again (for the umpteenth time). Everytime I watch it, I learn something new. I'm nearly done with Season 2 and so far, I've found dozens more references to the number 47. I also realize there are several actors in Alias who appear in JJ Abram's other productions, other than the obvious ones (The pilot from Lost, etc). I'm sure no one cares, but it's interesting to me. I would love to one day work on a show like that (Lost, Alias, etc).

On a different subject, I have this book I've been reading off and on when I'm at the gym. It's called "This I Believe." It's a compilation of essays written in response to a NPR radio program of the same name. NPR asked people to write an essay about what they believe in, their life's "credo," only positive responses. This was done in 1951. They revisited the series and broadcast another program around 2000. People like Colin Powell, Carl Sandberg, Helen Keller, Jackie Robinson and other famous writers, civil rights activists, and political leaders responded, as well as ordinary citizens. The book is a compilation of new essays and some from the original program. Some of these essays are amazing. Some of them I don't understand. But one in particular stood out to me. It's written by Robert A. Heinlein, a writer and Navy war veteran. In his essay, he talks about his belief in the everyday, ordinary person. He says that "for every criminal, there are ten thousand honest, decent, kindly men. If it were not so, no child would live to grow up. Business could not go from day to day. Decency is not news. It is buried in the obituaries, but is a force stronger than crime."
I know I'm not that important in the world of television, but sitting behind the switcher everyday and listening to story after story of death, tragedy, and unspeakable crime, you have to compartmentalize your thoughts to get the job done. When all you hear is negative, reading things like this after a hard day of work is very emotional. I first read this essay back in June. It was the week of the sofa super store fire where 9 local firemen died. Everyone at work was emotionally exhausted and were all on edge. The stress of that week was unbelievable. Wes was working around the clock. No one could sleep. I can't even imagine what the local media in NY went through during and after 9-11. Even though most of us didn't know the 9 guys, we knew someone who did or we related to it in some other way or because the store was less than a mile away from our station. The fact that it could have happened anywhere and to anyone affected us, I think. I read this essay that week and I cried. I was on the treadmill, running and crying.
The fire was the day after Father's day. My birthday was the following Sunday. I was looking forward to NOT working that weekend. On Friday when I was driving home (late because the public memorial service was carried live) I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I texted Wes to tell him I was going home (He was working) and then called Mom. She knew about all that was going on and I told her I was really tired and was looking foward to not working. She nearly cried when she told me that she was only three hours away. I almost had a wreck!! It couldn't have come at a more perfect time. It was comforting that she was here. It was possibly the hottest weekend of the summer, but we had a great time and the stress just went away completely. It was the best birthday present ever.

The reason I'm writing this is because I am almost finished with the book and I think it is something that everyone should read. The website has a more in depth history of the NPR program as well as other essays. I was moved by this book and the essays in it, and I know that other people will be as well.

Okay, enough sob story, I'm going to the gym........ :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wes's Pic is Up!!

Wes's picture is on his stations website!!!! Here's a Link. Scroll to the bottom. Ain't he cute!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pete & Kelly

Here's a new pic of Pete & Kelly. Mom & Dad went to VA Beach this past weekend to see them. Pete's officially done with sea duty and will go to training in November. He'll be stationed here at the Brig. They will be moving at the end of the month. Pete's been renting a condo with a few other Navy guys. They are greatly looking foward to having their own place! I can't wait because we will have family here!! We will have folks to go exploring with, or just hang out with. (Go running with!!!!?!?!??!??)


I went to the gym on Friday! I did the stationary bike. I don't particularly like it, but I can't run or use the elliptical yet, so it's the next best thing I guess. One reason I don't like it is because my "rear" goes numb after about 15 minutes. But I'll suffer for a while I guess. I also did too much weightlifting as always. I usually go overboard when I return after considerable time off. This is part of the reason I didn't do anything this weekend. I was a bit sore. I was going to go back yesterday, but I had to take Phoebe to the vet. So I went today. Before surgery I went 5 days a week. I'm slacking...

PS: A "Can't Miss" CSI on Thursday. Grissom asks Sara to marry him! 3rd best show!! (#1 Alias, #2 Lost) Lost Season 4 begins February 13th. Season 3 on DVD in the U.S. December 11th. (Go ahead, call me a nerd).

Sunday, October 14, 2007


So it's been a great weekend!! What have I done? Nothing. I'm refering to the weather. We've had the windows open and the air turned off since Thursday. I am so depressed that I can't get out of here and go running. I know the Bridge is georgous today! On days like this, there's probably a hundred people out there! It's perfect running weather. And I'm sitting here watching Alias and TiVo records all weekend. Sad.

Oh well, it did give me a chance to catch up on my music. See, my computer crashed a few weeks ago, and I lost everything. Wes and I have three computers, two desktops and a laptop. (I know, I know. We both had one before we got married and we bought the laptop for school) My desktop-which was about 3 years old, died. We tried putting the hard drive in Wes's computer, but got the same result. (A Hard Disc Error occurred...) We also tried to reboot it in repair mode with the operating system disc. The only other thing to do is to reformat it, which means erasing everything on it. I'm reluctant to do that because I holding out hope that there's something else that can be done. Almost everything on it is duplicated on Wes's computer or the laptop. Only things that weren't are some pictures, my current resume and other documents, and of course, nearly 4 gigs of music. The music wouldn't be a big deal had my biggest iPod not crapped out last year. I had everything on there. Luckily, most of it was on a CD or an another iPod somewhere, but I did lose several songs downloaded from iTunes. So I spent the last few weeks while unable to run, going through a HUGE box of CD's downloading music all over again.

After all this happened, we subscribed to a backup service called Carbonite. It took 5 days to upload everything. I want to also get a portable hard drive. Wes thinks carbonite is enough, but I like to have a something physical. For right now, I'm just happy that we have the most important things...our pictures from our wedding, honeymoon and hundreds of family pics, both old and new.

Anywho, that's it for now. Back to work tomorrow. Yippee........... (not really)

Goodnight all.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Stitch Free!!! Yippee!!!!

So yesterday, I got my stitches out!! I nearly threw up, but they're out and I'm SSSOOO GLADDD!!. Now I can wear a sock! Also, for the first time in 2 weeks, I took a shower standing up!! I know no one cares, but I was happy! My toe is much straighter than I thought it would be. It looks fake to me. I guess because I'm used to it being crooked. It's still a little swollen. I have to wear the boot for three more weeks. I also have to try to flex my toe back and forth. This way it won't be stiff. This really hurts. And I have to do all this over again in 2 months (Right foot). Not fun.......

Tomorrow, I'm going to the gym. I haven't been since before surgery. Obviously, I can't run. So I'm just going to do weights. The gym actually called the other day because I wasn't coming. I'm sure they do that for everyone. But I thought it was cool.

This weekend my parents are going to Norfolk to see Pete & Kelly (my brother & Sis-in-law). Pete's sea duty is up and he's transferring here to work at the Brig. (YEAH) They are moving into the apartment complex behind us. They got married (Eloped!) in June. The church is giving them a shower the first weekend of November. After that, Pete is going to training for about 6 weeks. They should be here around Christmas. Wes and I are really looking forward to having family nearby. I can't wait!!

I also learned yesterday that my aunt's family has a blog! There's pics of my cousins & other relatives! Hi guys!!! I added their blog to the links list on the right... Most of them live in MS, but one (Ray) lives in B'ham.

Not much else is new. It's been a pretty regular week.

PS: Wes is now calling me "Toepins."

Monday, October 8, 2007

Running on empty

So I'm sitting here having an Alias marathon. Not to belittle the best show ever, but I haven't been to the gym in like 2 weeks. I can't run because of my foot surgery and I'm going CRAZY!!! My friend at work is a 12 time marathoner (yes, I'm jealous) and he did a short race this weekend. I did one the weekend before my surgery. What aggravates me is that for the next three or four weekends, there are big races (popular ones with thousands of people participating and the courses go through downtown and over some other major roads). I want to be out there SO bad... But I can't. It's depressing.......

To top it all off, I scheduled my right foot surgery for the end of December. Which means that it will be many many months before I can start running seriously again. I'm going to try to do one before the surgery if I can. At least a 5K. If I can't run it, I'll at least walk it. For old times sake.

So last night I got 3 hours sleep. (I have to be at work at 3:30 am. I do the morning show.) It was worth it because me & Wes went downtown. We went to this ghost theater show. It was a bit cheesy, but free. Afterwards, we went to a new restaurant. New for us anyway. It sits near the cruise ship terminal. Nice place. So we decided to do this once a month. Go find a restaurant that we've haven't tried and take a stroll downtown. Walking around downtown at night was nice. There's not that many tourists and the tourist package peddlers aren't all over the place yelling at you to come see there new hotel. (I hate those people!)

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Here we go....

Okay, My friend Beth inspired me to start a blog. I never really thought of doing this before. After thinking about it for a couple of days, I decided on a name. For those of you who didn't know, I'm a "BIG" JJ Abrams fan. JJ is the creator of ALIAS, LOST and many other great shows. He has also directed several movies. Page 47 is part of a plot line in ALIAS. (The Rambaldi book had a page 47 that revealed the prophecy involving Sydney... Sydney was taken to room #47 during her missing two years, etc.) Just my way of trying to be creative. Sorry if it doesn't make since. I like it.

Anyway, as you can already tell, I am a TV nerd. Working in TV will do that to ya. I wouldn't say that was "married" to the job, just the outcome. (I'm married to Wes :) .....) Don't ever sit with me and watch the news or anything else. I'll spoil it for you.

I guess I should introduce myself a little better than that, huh? Okay. I'm Evelyn (or Ev, it doesn't matter). Wes & I have been married for 2 1/2 years. We live in Charleston, SC. I was born and raised in Mississippi and I'd give anything to go back there right now. Wes was an Air Force child and lived all over. Our parents live in the same county in MS, about 20 miles away from each other. But that's not how we met. We met at the TV station in a nearby city where we both worked. Leaving MS was a hard thing to do. The reason we left is because you can't make any money in TV in smalltown, USA. After working in Alabama for a few years, we made our way here. It's a nice place, but it's not home. It's way too far from home too!! I've only been home three times this year. Some people may think that's a lot. But I'm a homebody. When we lived in AL, we would go home twice a month!

So anyway, Wes and I work, work and work some more. Our schedules are very different right now. We don't have a lot of time off together, so what we do have we spend it together. It was easier before because we worked at the same station. Now we don't. So we don't have the same friends anymore. But we are doing our best. Last night, a guy I work with had a get-together. Wes finally met all the folks from work I've been talkin' about. I've met a few of his co-workers. I play softball for our station and he is going to play on his stations' Dodgeball team. I was going to play, but I had foot surgery last week and I won't be 100% in time. They play two leagues, so I might play in the spring.

Alright, so if you're reading this, then that probably means that you read the email I sent you! Thanks!!! I try my best to stay in touch with everyone, but it's hard because not everyone has email or checks it regularly. I don't know everyone's phone numbers and it would take all day to call everyone and honestly, wouldn't you get tired of repeating yourself a hundred times? :) Plus it's been so long since I've seen anybody, that communication becomes an "out of sight, out of mind" scenario. I know everyone's busy with their own lives. That's why I thought this might be a good thing to do. When you have time, stop by and see what's going on... Start your own blog and I'll do the same!!

Phoebe says Hi! (Our cat) She just walked across the keyboard...

So right now, I'm going to go and catch up on my TiVo for the week and sit around the house with my stitched up foot propped up... I had surgery (left foot) to straighten up my toes so when I'm 40, hopefully I'll be able to walk normally without pain. My grandmother has the same problem, only she never got her feet fixed and she can barely walk. I'm trying to prevent that from happening to me. My right foot will most probably be done in December.

PS. I hate stitches!! The thought of them in my own skin makes my stomach knot up. My Mom's a nurse, she lives for this stuff!! She thinks I'm crazy. (I'm a Kowall, what can I say!!) I'm going to throw up now.