Thursday, July 10, 2008

"One Last Time" Week

Had a good day at work for my last day. Nearly everything is packed and ready to go. Wes & Jonathan are supposed to be packing the kitchen and taking down the shelves today. (I bet they are at Qdoba or Jason's Deli right now!! Slackers!) When I get off work, we are supposedly going to Wild Wings (one last time---It's been "One last time" week). We are packing the truck on Friday, driving on Saturday and then unpacking everything on Sunday.

Phoebe is recovering... She is apparently scared to death of Jonathan. I don't know why. She's hid upstairs for days. One morning I couldn't find her. I was worried because she hadn't eaten. I found her in a corner behind stacks of boxes. I moved her food & water upstairs in our room and now she's more active now. She got her shots that day too, so I think it's the combination of that, Jonathan being there and all the chaos from moving and packing.

Wish us luck and good weather this weekend! (It's supposed to rain a lot unfortunately) I'm not sure when I'll update again, probably within a week or so...


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