Monday, June 30, 2008
--Running the Bridge
--Watching the boats from the bridge on a cool breezy day
--Living next to Pete & Kelly
--Me and my camera downtown on an unseasonably warm winter day with no tourists
--Waterfront Park
--Secretly enjoying being asked to take a picture for a vacationing couple
--Harve Jacobs and Bill Burr
--Fresh, locally caught seafood at local restaurants, like Gilligan's
--Qdoba & Mama Fu's
Things I WON'T miss about Charleston:
--Confusing interstates
--County lines that were drawn by 3 year olds.
--Hurricane Craziness
--BREAKING NEWS: The Mayor has the hiccups!!
--Alarm clocks at 2am
--Going to sleep at 6pm
--Chipper, overexcited rookie reporters at 5am
--Living in the 7th most dangerous city in the US
--Ridiculous franchise packages
--the 10 hour drive home
Friday, June 27, 2008
Tidbits & Chaos!
Our apartment is in total chaos!!! It's driving me crazy! I can't stand the mess. Wes cleaned up a little last night. (THANX SWEETIE!!) You can actually walk around now. I just finished taking down the curtains. Wes also broke down the fish tanks too. We took the Oscar back to the fish store yesterday. He won't survive the move. All the other fish are now in the 29 gallon tank with the Biowheels floating. We'll put them in the cooler the day we pack the truck. Wes has also wrapped several pieces of furniture with plastic wrap. We've packed up pretty much all we can do for now. We still have to live here for two more weeks. (TWO WEEKS!) I only have 9 days left of work. There are several morning show folks who have birthdays in June. Today, we went to Senior Tequila's (Mexican Restaurant) for a little lunch. I took a few pics:

Bill (AM anchor), Kristy & Sheldon

Ryan & Jenny(producer)
The softball tournament started last weekend. (Double Elimination) I am told that we won the first game, lost the second, won the third and were in the middle of a fourth when the rain came. On Sunday, we'll finish the fourth game and continue, that is, if we win.
Wes and I have also discovered Steve & Barry's. It's a great store. Everything is under $10. EVERYTHING. There's one in Meridian now! :)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Fort Marshall...FOR YOU MOM!!!
Why I don't like Salt Lake City, UT... Sunday

Anyway, after the 4:40 flight left without us, we all sat there and watched the plane leave and then surfed the web trying to find other options. Everyone went to their seperate corners and tried to get some food and sleep. Wes and I laid down on the floor of a breezeway and napped for a few hours. We got up just in time to get some dinner around 9pm (right before the stores were closing). We all met again to watch the 12:30am (Monday) flight leave....again, without us. "Retired guy" made it on that plane. He got the very last seat. The next flight wasn't until 6am the next morning. So again, we went our seperate ways. I stretched out on three terminal chairs that didn't have armrests, as did everyone else. Wes wasn't tired, so he wandered the airport with the camera, taking pictures showing how empty and abandoned it was. He's kicking himself for not taking one of me sleeping.

Overall, we had a great time. Just rough and aggravating trying to get home. My main (and somewhat selfish) concern was that I did NOT want to be in an airport on my birthday. Luckily, it all worked out okay.
Why I don't like Salt Lake City, UT... Saturday Part 2